Friday, 19 December 2014

Braun T1000 receiver

Braun T1000

Braun T1000
Introduced in 1962 at the Berlin Radio Fair, this has become an iconic Dieter Rams / Braun design and part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was just recently that I was lucky to acquire this excellent condition T1000 AM, FM, LW, short-wave radio with internal PSU TN 1000 AC adaptor.
Braun T1000, designer Dieter Rams - Cold War Modern from Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK.

Front view (cover down)
Front view (cover up)

More information:

Dec 22 2015

Monday, 24 November 2014

Raspberry Pi GPS NTP Server

Raspberry Pi NTP server (lower)

NTP time server for local networked computers.
Raspberry Pi model B (bottom RPi in photo. Top RPi is a web server under construction.)
u-blox NEO-6M GPS module with internal antenna (need to be moved outdoor next)

Dec 7, 2014
Changed over to  a Trimble GPS antenna, P/N 28367-00. This did not happen as I was using it for my Ultimate 3 MEPT.
May 16, 2015
Updated photo.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Newly installed, running QRSS3 on 20m or 30m and occasionally with WSPR on 20m.

Ultimate3 v3.05 transmitter
u-blox Neo-7M GPS with internal antenna
Superantenna MP-1 (modified with longer whip) on balcony

Ultimate 3 / u-blox Neo-7M GPS

Upgraded U3 with relay switched LPF board

Superantenna MP-1 (modified)

Argo capture of test    
Spectrum Lab capture of test

Reports welcome, thank you.

Nov 10, 2014
Ultimate3 firmware updated to v3.06. Working well as expected during tests.

Jun 19, 2015
Added relay switched LPF board and a hear sink to the PA transistor to  U3. Now QRSS on 30m with a new LPF..  

Friday, 18 July 2014

WSPR Station

View of R7

Another view of R7
Latest setup

Previous setup

WSPR station

Softrock RXTX Ensemble (40/30/20m) / Creative SB1090
LDG AT-100ProII autotuner/ Cushcraft R7 vertical @ ground level

WSPR 2.21_r2286 (frequency hopping)/ Meinberg ntp-4.2.6p5/ Windows 7 on a Lenovo T510 laptop


Nov 9, 2014
Reconfigured to use WSPR-IQ (WSPR 2.21_r2286).  Frequency hopping during tests, txrx on 20m & 30m and rx on 40m.

Nov 24, 2014
Reconfigured time sync to LAN NTP server just installed..

Jun 12, 2015
Replaced Creative SB1009 with a < $2.00 generic USB sound dongle (purchased through eBay), working nicely at 48 kHz sampling..

Sept 5, 2015
Updated Windows 7 to Windows 10.

SDR Radio Server

Old setup

Comet DS15

Softrock RX Ensemble II/ vertical wire loop antenna/ SB1090 X Fi soundcard
R820T dongle/ Comet DS15 discone antenna (25 to 1500 MHz)

SDR Server version 2.3 1990/ rtl_tcp/ Meinberg ntp-4.2.6p5/ Windows 7 on a Sony Vaio laptop
Username: guest Password: guest

Comments/reports welcome to

Nov 24, 2014
Reconfigured time sync to LAN NTP server just installed..

May 3, 2015
R820T2 dongle ordered to replace the present R820T as soon as it arrives.

May 26, 2015
Added SB1090 soundcard and updated photo.

June 3, 2015
R820T2 dongle arrived and installed!

July 16, 2015
Service stopped as Sony Vaio acting up! Moving service to a Lenovo ThinkCentre. Service will resume shortly.

July 17, 2015
SDR server back in service, everything the same but now running on a Lenovo Thinkcentre M58p.

July 21, 2015
Installed BOINC and processing SETI@home v7 to maximize computer usage.

Sept 5, 2015
Updated Windows 7 to Windows 10.